Centri Informagiovani per la Provincia di Mantova


Find a job in another EU country


EURES - EURopean Employment Services - è la Rete di cooperazione europea dei servizi per l’impiego, concepita per facilitare la libera circolazione dei lavoratori.

Eures propone:
Would you like to move within #Europe and find a job in another EU country? If so, the event #EURES2Europe is for you!
When: 12 May from 10.00 to 13.00
Where: online - Register: https://www.europeanjobdays.eu/en/events/eures-europe

Fonte: EURES - EURopean Employment Services - https://www.europeanjobdays.eu/en/events/eures-europe

Informazioni: EURES - EURopean Employment Services, https://ec.europa.eu/eures/public/index_it


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